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Purposeful Blog
find purpose, meaning
and happiness

4 min read
I used to hate my life. Have you ever felt like that?
I used to hate myself and my life. Have you ever felt like that? I thought that it would never get any better. Then everything changed.

5 min read
Chasing Happiness
If happiness was only about getting what we want, no one would ever be happy, because no one has a perfect life with everything they want.

4 min read
The secret to peace and joy
You don’t have to live unhappy. It’s possible to live with joy every day of your life. It doesn’t mean that bad things will never happen....

3 min read
Do You Ever Feel Unappreciated?
When we're underpaid or when we do something for which we get no payment at all, we feel unappreciated. We tend to equate monetary...

3 min read
Do you have love, peace & joy?
We all want to be happy. We want love, peace, and joy in our lives. But how do you get it? Can we do something that results in us having

7 min read
The Power Of Love Can Change People & Circumstances
God uses us to bring about His desired results. We are called to take an active role in bringing about God’s miracles. When we cooperate…

3 min read
I didn't sign up for this! Where'd my happiness go?
We’ve all found ourselves in situations that we didn’t see coming. We’re alone as a result of a relationship that’s gone wrong, or we...

5 min read
How I Mined The Lessons Out Of A Painful Childhood--including the 6 things I leaned from child abuse
When I was a little girl, my mother took me to a neighbor and asked her to babysit while she went shopping. Hours later when she didn’t...

3 min read
Stop the drama if you want to live a happy and positive life
Do you feel like you live in a constant state of turmoil? Do the people around you stress you out? Does it feel like there is always...

3 min read
Want To Stop Suffering?
Want to stop suffering? Is about the expert advice whispered by a child psychologist who will never say this publicly.

4 min read
Have you fallen for these deceptive time wasters?
I've learned a lot of things the hard way, the painful way. I could've saved myself an ocean of tears and a lot of bumps and bruises if...

4 min read
Two Important Questions to ask yourself for self-growth and resilience
You were born to grow, and learn, and improve the world around you by using your unique combination of skills, talents, intelligence, perspe

4 min read
New day -- Do You Know What To Do With It?
There are lots of things you can do, but ONE THING you are supposed to do. What is it? To find and live your purpose. That’s really our...

3 min read
Your existence during this time matters: finding your place in this world
It’s no accident that you’re alive at this time in history. YOU MATTER. You were born for this specific time. You have something that the wo

3 min read
These 7 steps will help you create success
You are 20 minutes and 53 seconds away from knowing my secret.

Rhonda Sciortino
4 min read
How to Deal with a Jerk without being a Jerk | A tightrope balance towards a positive life
#4 in the Love Is Action series When you live with, or interact with, someone who acts like a jerk, you have the power to exponentially...
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