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Purposeful Blog
find purpose, meaning
and happiness

4 min read
I used to hate my life. Have you ever felt like that?
I used to hate myself and my life. Have you ever felt like that? I thought that it would never get any better. Then everything changed.

4 min read
These simple steps to success work. Not by magic, but in practical ways. Do these three things today to begin to create your successful life

4 min read
Two Important Questions to ask yourself for self-growth and resilience
You were born to grow, and learn, and improve the world around you by using your unique combination of skills, talents, intelligence, perspe

Rhonda Sciortino
3 min read
Worship Is Work and Work Is Worship
I know I’m going to get some grief for what I’m about to say. Nevertheless, here goes. A lot of people think that worshipping God means...

Rhonda Sciortino
4 min read
How To Love Someone Who Acts Like A Jerk
#2 in Love Is Action Series This is the second in a series of articles about how to be in relationship with someone who is mentally...

Rhonda Sciortino
3 min read
THE Most Important Thing We Can Do
Of all the things we have to do, there’s nothing more important than this one thing. Yet many of us spend all of our energy doing what we th

Rhonda Sciortino
2 min read
10 Reasons You Must Read 30 DAYS TO HAPPINESS
If you want to be happy, here are the top10 reasons why YOU MUST READ 30 Days To Happiness: 10. Most people want to be happy, but they...

Rhonda Sciortino
3 min read
Why We Do Things We Shouldn't
Ask yourself why you do what you do. Why do you eat or drink too much or use drugs? Why do you go from one bad relationship to the next?...

Rhonda Sciortino
3 min read
Eliminate Strife By Doing These Ten Things
I spent the first forty years of my life in a constant state of turmoil. There was always someone or something that had hurt, offended,...

Rhonda Sciortino
3 min read
When I was 8 years old, we were homeless. I vividly recall going to the homes of different people around the time you’d expect that...

Rhonda Sciortino
1 min read
If I could give you anything, I’d give you these 10 things
I would give you eyes to see yourself as the awesome person you are. I would give you a healthy awareness of your strengths and an...
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