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Purposeful Blog
find purpose, meaning
and happiness

Rhonda Sciortino
4 min read
Do you know the untapped power of purpose of kindness in your life?
When we're kind, we're happier, and that when we're happier, we have a greater capacity to be kind. Kindness leads to happiness and positive

4 min read
These simple steps to success work. Not by magic, but in practical ways. Do these three things today to begin to create your successful life

Rhonda Sciortino
9 min read
How To Live With Someone Who Acts Like A Jerk
#3 in Love Is Action series The advice that follows comes from successfully surviving the first 16 years of my life being raised by a man...

Rhonda Sciortino
4 min read
How To Deal With Someone Who Acts Like AÂ Jerk
#1 in Love Is Action Series Lots of us were raised by parents who were alcoholics or drugs addicts, or who acted like jerks, or who were...

Rhonda Sciortino
5 min read
Protect your kids from drugs and trafficking by doing this
Kids who have experienced trauma often gravitate toward drugs and other types of self-medication. You would too if you’d been through...

Rhonda Sciortino
2 min read
Civility, Where Are You?
What happened to the America of my youth? I don’t normally engage in conversation about politics, not because I don’t care, but because...

Rhonda Sciortino
3 min read
You May Say I'm A Dreamer
I am a dreamer, and I’m not the only one. Every great accomplishment was once a dream in the heart of someone who dared to believe that...

Rhonda Sciortino
2 min read
What's Your Kindness
​​Everyone has their own unique way of showing kindness. There are the obvious things we think of when we think of acts of kindness, like...
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