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Purposeful Blog
find purpose, meaning
and happiness

Rhonda Sciortino
4 min read
Do you know the untapped power of purpose of kindness in your life?
When we're kind, we're happier, and that when we're happier, we have a greater capacity to be kind. Kindness leads to happiness and positive

4 min read
Evil or Good?
We overcome evil with good. So be good. Be the best human you can be. YOU MATTER. The goodness in you matters. Be moral. Be kind. Be caring.

3 min read
Do You Ever Feel Unappreciated?
When we're underpaid or when we do something for which we get no payment at all, we feel unappreciated. We tend to equate monetary...

2 min read
25 Ways To Know If You're A Survivor
1. You keep getting back up every time life knocks you down 2. You do what needs to be done no matter how you feel 3. You are the kind of...

2 min read
Do you know why people are so easily offended?
Why Are People so Easily Offended

4 min read
The Most Significant Gifts
Before we start stressing about Christmas gifts, I want to suggest that we all take a breath and think about the most significant gifts.

Rhonda Sciortino
4 min read
How to Deal with a Jerk without being a Jerk | A tightrope balance towards a positive life
#4 in the Love Is Action series When you live with, or interact with, someone who acts like a jerk, you have the power to exponentially...

Rhonda Sciortino
9 min read
How To Live With Someone Who Acts Like A Jerk
#3 in Love Is Action series The advice that follows comes from successfully surviving the first 16 years of my life being raised by a man...

Rhonda Sciortino
4 min read
How To Love Someone Who Acts Like A Jerk
#2 in Love Is Action Series This is the second in a series of articles about how to be in relationship with someone who is mentally...

Rhonda Sciortino
3 min read
THE Most Important Thing We Can Do
Of all the things we have to do, there’s nothing more important than this one thing. Yet many of us spend all of our energy doing what we th

Rhonda Sciortino
5 min read
Protect your kids from drugs and trafficking by doing this
Kids who have experienced trauma often gravitate toward drugs and other types of self-medication. You would too if you’d been through...

Rhonda Sciortino
3 min read
You May Say I'm A Dreamer
I am a dreamer, and I’m not the only one. Every great accomplishment was once a dream in the heart of someone who dared to believe that...

Rhonda Sciortino
2 min read
What's Your Kindness
​​Everyone has their own unique way of showing kindness. There are the obvious things we think of when we think of acts of kindness, like...
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